Who We Are

Gold Mine Resort is located on the 49-mile-long Vermilion river, nestled between two portage “waterfalls,” in the wilderness between Lake Vermilion and Crane Lake.  The Vermilion River flows north of the Trout Lake B.W.C.A. area and eventually empties into Hudson Bay in Canada.

Gold Mine has access to approximately 17 miles of navigable river system.  This makes for a resort that is a privacy-plus location.  People, other than Gold Mine guests, are rarely seen.  Private property in this area is limited and public access is difficult.

Gold mine is the only resort on the entire river.  This allows anglers the opportunity to relax and fish without interruption.

Undoubtedly one of the finest smallmouth and Northern Pike fisheries in all of Minnesota.  Gold Mine offers and easy of fishing unparalleled in the modern age.  Walleyes, Crappies and other species are available, especially during key time periods.

Wildlife abounds here in greater numbers than anywhere else in Minnesota.  Guests at Gold Mine can expect to see moose, deer, bear, beaver, otter, as well as the majestic birds; eagles, osprey, loons, etcetera.  Don’t forget your camera – the scenery and wildlife is simply awesome.

Should a fisherman prefer smaller, more tranquil waters, the Vermilion River has no equal.  The Vermilion is a deep, slow moving, calm and tranquil fishery.  Protected from the elements such as wind and white caps, it allows the fisherman to view a scenic wonderland while pursuing his favorite sport.

On your fist visit to the river you will delight in exploring what’s around the next corner.  Marvel at the beautiful scenery and the peaceful waters located between two rapids/waterfalls.  You will delight in fishing large bays, such as Horseshoe bay.  These bays are really lakes within the river, often having both inlets and outlets.  Dozens of feeder streams and creeks flow into the Vermilion River.  As any avid angler is aware, such mouths are often fish-filled as they supply running water.  This moving water brings both food and oxygen into the Vermilion.

If peaceful, fish-filled waters are in your vacation plans or if you are an avid river fisherman, God Mine Resort is eagerly awaiting your arrival.


Thank you for taking the time to browse our Web site.  Our single most important advertisement is a satisfied customer.  The reason we take such pains and go to great lengths is simply that we want you to return.  And we want you to tell your friends and relatives upon arriving home that you’ve had a GREAT TIME, THE FISHING WAS SUPER and your trip was SUCCESSFUL!

The foregoing philosophy, we believe, is the basis for the many comments received in the past regarding our willingness to be of service, our attention to the individual needs of our guests and our efforts put forth to help each guest have a “full stringer experience.”

We realize that your vacation time coincides with our work time; however, our vacation time is of the utmost importance to us, and we continually strive to make every effort to utilize that time to your best advantage.

There are no time clocks at Gold Mine.  We are there when you need us or want us.  We will do our dead level best to ensure a successful venture for every guest.

Leif Gunderson has spent over twenty years finding and developing the most unique fishing opportunities found anywhere.

Leif and staff have been able to anticipate most customers’ wants and needs.  No single fishery is the best, each having advantages as well as disadvantages.  But, depending on each fisherman’s own desires, the choice location is usually obvious.  Likewise, the Leif has been able to keep our resort small.  This allows a friendly down-home atmosphere and speaks to the old resort phrase, “Come as a guest – Leave as a friend.”  Our emphasis on you, the customer, will be obvious during your first visit.

Please be sure to call us for specials and group rates. Leif - (218) 290-2117